Pristine Graphene Admixture Improves Concrete Pumping Economics

Pristine Graphene Admixture for Concrete Pumping Will Give a 5×1 Return.
Ask About Our Guarantee . A simple one load test will prove our benefits. Request a 10 Ton Sample to try it..

Our ASTM C494 admixture of pristine graphene admixture is specific for Concrete Pumping and saves measurable money and time by reducing the needed pump pressure by 15% thus saving fuel and decreasing rebound by over 50%. (It also strengthens your concrete and makes it more water and corrosiion proof).

A simple one load test will prove our benefits.
Request a 10 Ton Sample to try it.

It costs $2/yard and saves you $10+ per yard easily.
It combines with your existing concrete mixes.

You Pay For The Pristine Graphene Admixture With Money Saved in Fuel Costs and Reduced Rebound. This means you can use it, get the benefits, and then pay for it with money saved.
Voila! No Risk.

Table Showing Reduction in Pump Pressure With Benefits

Email or call Robert for the Testing Procedure and to setup your test. Every week you wait you are losing money.

Robert Fletcher Chemical Engineer Graphene Admixtures

I am a Chemical Engineer (LSU) and specialize in pristine graphene admixtures for cementitious substances.
I live in Jupiter, Fl.

Contact me by email or on my cell.
213.500.7236 (ET).

Research shows that this graphene admixture offers the following benefits …

1) decreases pump pressure by fifteen percent,
2) reduces rebound by up to half, and
3) speeds up application times measurably.
4) decreases cure time
5) Is 4x more resistant to moisture.
6) can be 30% lighter for the same strength
7) has some amazing heat transfer properties,
And more….  

We are providing a conservative estimate that reducing pump pressures by 10% for example will reduce fuel consumption by 5% though it is closer to the 10% number itself.   The actual savings will vary between locations as cost for concrete varies across the country from ~$200/yard to over $300/yard in some areas.

The savings increase as the project itself gets larger, meaning that a 1000-yard project will have higher total cost savings than a 10-yard project. Economically the pristine graphene admixture pays for itself from the first batch, and it mixes with existing formulations for ease of implementation.

  • Medium jobs (75-500 yards) – Between $8-12/yard in total savings
  • Small jobs (5-75 yards) – Between $5-8/yard in total savings 
  • Large jobs (501 yards+) – Between $12-18/yard total savings 


Researched and verified by the Pristine Graphene team.

The Science & Research documents below will give you greater insight into the many benefits of this proprietary graphene admixture.

Thank you for your time. I’m available to setup a test at your convenience. A 5×1 ROI is not to be overlooked.

Robert Merrill Fletcher, ChE

Cell: 213.500.7236 (Also WhatsApp)

Science Geeking:

Contact Me: | Cell: 213.500.7236