Graphene & Cements & Mortars

Adding graphene to concrete and cement increases their strength and durability. This enhancement allows for a significant reduction of total material usage by 30% to 50%. while substantially reducing CO2 emissions by 40% to 50%

Grahene used in cementitious products provides the following benefits:

  • Anti-Corrosion; Waterproof (Less than 0.8% absorption) Graphene provides a protective coating to concrete, keeping water and other corrosive gases and liquids from damaging the rebar used in construction, thus extending its life and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Reduced Maintenance and Longer Life: Graphene reduces concrete’s water permeability, virtually eliminating exposure to freezing/thawing damage.
  • Faster Cure Period: With graphene, cement’s cure period is reduced from 28 days to 7 days, also reducing the CO2 emission in the cure process.
  • Immediate adhesion. Won’t fall off seawalls and vertical applications.
  • Superior Strength: Tests have shown that graphene improves cement flexural strength by 41% to 51% and compressive strength by 27%.
  • 200x as strong as steel
  • Flexes, doesn’t break.

*Well Documented:  The following articles will cover our claims.

ASTM C 1328; C 926 The Equinox n-Hance™ Dose pack is defined under the acceptance criteria of the International Building Code as an admixture approved for use in all seismic zones and in cementitious finish coats.

Admix Innovations offers directions regarding recommended dosages rated and proportioning when used in combination with those materials listed in ASTM C 926 ”Table 3”. When used in appropriate combination with those materials, the resulting mixture complies with ASTM C 926. Equinox n-Hance™ Dose pack may also be combined with Portland cement and other cementitious materials (i.e. fly ash) to produce a ”Plastic (Stucco) Cement” as defined by ASTM C 1328 and listed in ASTM C 926 ”Table 3”.

Equinox n-Hance™ Dose pack when used in conjunction with the appropriate proportions of Portland cement (ASTM C-150), masonry sand (ASTM C-144) and water, will produce a fine grout complying with the compressive strength requirement of Section 4.2.2 of ASTM C-476 “Standard Specification for Grout Masonry”. Performance Tests:  

1.ASTM C-1019, “Standard Method of Sampling and Testing Grout” conducted by Penniman & Browne, Inc.

2.ASTM C-876, “Test Method for Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated Equinox n-Hance™ Dose pack when used in conjunction with the appropriate proportions of Portland cement (ASTM C-150), masonry sand (ASTM C-144) and water, will produce a fine grout complying with the compressive strength requirement of Section 4.2.2 of ASTM C-476 “Standard Specification for Grout Masonry”. Performance Tests:

1.ASTM C-1019, “Standard Method of Sampling and Testing Grout” conducted byPenniman & Browne, Inc.

2.ASTM C-876, “Test Method for Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated

Formal certification is underway with for UFGS-03 31 29;30: Graphene infused concrete also meets or exceeds all UFGS specs and we are currently in the process of certification with the US Navy.

About Me:  I am a Chemical Engineer (Cementitious Graphene Specialist) and business development specialist.  While writing a US Navy Grant for “waterproof concrete” for the US Navy I realized what a boon this would be in the maritime construction and seawall businesses. We are able to supply this solution across the country and around the world because it is simply an admixture to existing cement and mortar.