Graphene For Maritime

Pristine Graphene materials applied to boat/yacht hulls as part of the fiberglass or as a coating offers 1) penetration prevention, 2) copper-free anti-fouling, and 3) long-lasting slicker surfaces for fuel reduction. (And I am writing a US Navy Grant Appplication for this)

(And it will stop a marlin strike… see below).

This is a “new/not new technology” for the marine industry… and it is cheaper than you might imagine. As an example we are coating a 150′ with 8 gallons of mixture and 4 quarts of activator and can be applied by roller or spray.

Graphene Rob
Robert M. Fletcher ChE.
Boats, Business, and Graphene.

Hello. I am a chemical engineer and a graphene specialist. I am also a lifetime boater and business professional.  I’ve had holes in my hull. I’ve seen marine growth that I was ashamed of, and like most of us, I’ve paid for my inattention to my hull maintenance at the gas pump (and I care about my impact on the ecosystem).    

Are You A Boat/Yacht Manufacturer?

Offering a graphene hull upgrade option and/or building a new line that incorporates graphene, and the benefits mentioned here, are very powerful ways for you to stay ahead of your competitors, and more importantly, provide better solutions to your clients.  

  1. Main benefits to your clients.
    1. Impenetrable hulls (8x stronger than Kevlar); ¼ the price.
    2. Decreased marine growth, copper free.
    3. Greater fuel efficiency from a “slicker” surface.
    4. Green Commitment
  2. Benefits to your company.
    1. Offer this as a hull upgrade for increased profits.
    2. Leading edge tech for your reputation; Win more.
    3. Show continued “green” focus.

Graphene Layers Stop Shotgun Blasts, 45 Bullets, and Marlin Strikes… one never knows.   (8x as strong as Kevlar at 1/4 the price).

Researchers have not let graphene’s protective capabilities go unnoticed. Experiments at the City University of New York demonstrated a taste of how graphene can revolutionize body protection. They created a diamene (two layer) graphene foil that was so strong even a diamond tip was unable to perforate the material.

Repel Marine Growth – Copper Free – Lloyds Approved.   Lloyds Register (LR) has recently introduced a new Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval [7].

The development of this new type of approval sets a new standard for antifouling coatings to address the growing need for effective biofouling management, which contributes to decarbonization efforts and protecting marine ecosystems. This approval provides ship owners and operators with validated assurance for the performance of hull coatings in keeping hulls clean and sustainable, pre- and post-grooming operations. Specifically, the new type approval gives assurance that: the coating performs and it’s compatible with the agreed cleaning schedules required for the vessel based on biofouling risk assessment derived from her operating profile the cleaning technology/brushes used will not damage the paint   LR has awarded the maritime industry’s first Enhanced Antifouling Type Approval to GIT Coatings for their XGIT-Fuel graphene-based hull coating, which is the only coating approved to be groomed on the market.      

Greater Hull Slickness

Low friction hull coatings are considered an Energy Efficiency Technology in Category A as per IMO MEPC.1/Circ 896 [8] where a new improved Vref can be determined for both pre-EEDI and post-EEDI ships by in-service measurements with torquemeter as per ISO 15016:2015E and for pre-EEDI ships by re-evaluation of model test based on Average Hull Roughness measurements used in ITTC Prediction Method as per IACS Rec 172-Rev.1 2024 [9]. Benefits for the shipowner include the revision of EEXI or reduction or power limitations, potential improvement of Righthip GHG rating 2.0 and revision of Charterparty description with more attractive speed-consumption warranty.  

 Faster, Cheaper, Slicker

Stop Corrosion –   Easy Application

Graphene, which is an atomically thin film of a honeycomb network of sp 2 hybridized carbon atoms (shown in Fig. 1 1), has triggered unprecedented research excitement for its exceptional characteristics, such as its unique combination of strength and ductility.2 The 2010 Nobel Prize was awarded for graphene research.3 What is most relevant in the context of the potential application of graphene as a corrosion-resistant barrier is the remarkable chemical inertness of graphene (even to the most aggressive chemicals such as HF) as well as its impermeability to fluids and gases.4 The primary requirements of an ideal surface barrier coating for corrosion resistance are its (I) inherent resistance/immunity to degradation in aggressive environment, (II) effective resistance to permeation of corrosive fluid, and (III) mechanical integrity over the desired life of the coated components. Ceramics and carbon-based engineering materials (such as graphite) are well known to be immune to most aggressive chemicals. However, because these materials are very brittle, they suffer mechanical disruptions, and hence, have found limited use as coatings. In contrast, an atomically thin layer of graphene is reported to possess very high toughness. With its attributes of chemical inertness, toughness, and impermeability, the ultrathin graphene films possess a great potential as “the thinnest known corrosion-protecting coating.

Other Properties:

Fire retardant
Heat Conduction
Awl Grip formulations available.  
EMI/EMP protection
Ballistic/Kinetic Protection (Safe Rooms).

 Please request the MSDS if desired.

 Benefits Accrue to Superyachts and the Maritime Industry as Well

Please contact Robert Fletcher, ChE by email or by cell 213.500.7236 (Eastern Time USA and please text first as I answer my own phone.. thanks).

Ps. I am now taking meetings for the South Florida Boat Shows.

If you are a manufacturer and would like to know more about the Navy Grant Application please get in touch as well.